Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chair Reuse

A few weeks ago was bulk pickup in our neighborhood. I didn't work that day so I went for a run in the afternoon and saw various people cleaning out their garages and placing the items on the roadside. One of my neighbors had put a few pieces of furniture out so I came home with a chair.

This is close to what it looked like, although I had already taken the cushion and its plastic fabric off of it because it smelled so bad that I just wanted to get rid of it as quick as possible. It took me a little while to finish it up but I washed it, painted it with spray primer, and painted it with about 3 layers of spray paint.

After I let the chair dry a few days, I worked on the seat cushion. I bought a new seat cushion, fashioned it to the wood base, and stapled and nailed a beautiful fabric on it. I nailed the cushion back to it and this is what I got! I'm really excited it is done, it only took me a few weeks! haha.

  I know the pictures are a little dark, but the chair is a beautiful brown color with green and neutral fabric. I plan to sell it, so if you are interested, let me know! Hopefully I will get a brighter picture up soon.


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