Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thrifted Blinds Project

 I recently purchased a 2-inch set of faux wood blinds from the Habitat Re-store for $3.  When I bought them I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do with them but I had a lot of spare time this week to complete several projects with them.  I cut the blinds apart so that I had multiple slats of faux wood.  I then painted 4 or 5 slats for each project with a certain saying or Bible verse on them.  After I was done painting, I secured them together with yarn.  The first three projects were simply made using spray paint and acrylic paint for the letters.  The last two projects displayed were made using spray paint, scrapbook paper, sharpies, and mod podge.  They turned out a lot better than I expected.  It was an extremely cheap project and I have not even used half of the slats yet.

Try it out! They make very cute wall decorations!